Following the Leader
Following the Leader

Following the Leader

Day 1: Learning to Follow the Leader


Most of us remember playing Red Light, Green Light as children.

following the leader

The game was simple—stop when the leader says “red light” and go when they say “green light.” But what made it tricky was staying focused on the leader’s voice and movements. One false move and you were out!

Following the leader, God, operates on the same principle. Numbers 9:15-19 tells us that Israel had to move when God moved and stay when He stayed. Their journey through the wilderness wasn’t random; it was directed by God’s visible presence in the cloud by day and fire by night. When the cloud lifted, they packed up and followed. When it settled, they stayed. There was no negotiating, no questioning the timing—just trusting obedience.

We often struggle with this. We want to move when we feel ready, not necessarily when God says so. Sometimes, we try to rush ahead of God, making decisions based on impulse rather than direction. Other times, we drag our feet, hesitant to step into what God is calling us to do. But just like Israel, we must learn to watch, listen, and follow.

The key to a victorious life is learning to recognize God’s presence and obey His leading. Moving when He moves and waiting when He waits keeps us aligned with His perfect will.



Ask yourself today—Am I following the Leader, God’s timing, or am I trying to set my own pace? Commit to trusting His direction, even when it doesn’t match your expectations.


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